We invite you to the 1th edition of the International Scientific Conference «International days of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, physical culture and sports», organized by Institute of Health (National University of Water and Environmental Engineering), Rivne, Ukraine, which will be held on November 10-11, 2021.
In addition to combining theory with practice and the possibility of presenting the latest research results, a novelty will be the possibility of publishing a scientific article in the journal «Реабілітаційні та фізкультурно-рекреаційні аспекти розвитку людини (Rehabilitation & Recreation)», ISSN 2522-1795 (print) and the best of the best papers in the Journal of Physical Education and Sport, ISSN 2247-8051, eISSN 2247-806X, indexed in the Scopus database.

The conference covers all aspects of physical therapy, occupational therapy, physical education and sports:

Didactics, educational technologies and special pedagogy
Management in sports and physiotherapy
Adaptive physical activity
Combat sports and martial arts
Health tourism
Coaching Science
Individual sports
Military sports
Motor training and control
Neuromotor psychology
Philosophy of Sports and Physiotherapy
Political Science of Sports and Physiotherapy
Sociology of Sports and Physiotherapy
Physiology of sports and exercise
Psychology of sports and exercise
Sports facilities and rehabilitation equipment
Corporate social responsibility in sports and Physiotherapy
Legal aspects of sports and Physiotherapy
Digitization and mediation in sports and Physiotherapy
Marketing in sports and Physiotherapy
Sports and Physiotherapy for Covid-19
Sports for everyone
History of sports and Physiotherapy
Information about sports and Physiotherapy
Sports and Physiotherapy management
Sports pedagogy
Sports and Physiotherapy Laws
Sports medicine
Human capital in sports and Physiotherapy
Personal trainer as a profession of the future
Integrated system of qualifications in sports
Athletes with dual careers
Science and sports